I consider KoiNo a slow fashion brand. You may or may not have heard the term slow fashion over the last few years, these articles from Good on You and Bluprint explain well what slow fashion is; so rather than redefining the term I thought it would be good to let you know how I run KoiNo as a slow fashion business.
At KoiNo I strive to design and make garments that are trans-seasonal, that is styles that will endure year after year rather than being of-the-moment trend pieces. The styles have classic lines and are year round staples rather than trend items. By creating pieces that will not go out of style in a season it ensures they have a long life, whether that’s with the original purchaser or with a second or third owner of the piece.
I aim to make KoiNo pieces as high quality as possible. By using fabrics that can stand wearing and washing over and over again, and employing construction techniques that withstand wear and laundering well. These ensure that the life of each garment is extended and won’t be discarded for wear and tear quickly. If you want to see how well a KoiNo piece lasts, check out my post on my 30 wears challenge.
As much as I can (for a small clothing manufacturer) I strive to source my fabric responsibly too, in fact click through the information on the sustainability of our merino and linen directly from my suppliers.
Most KoiNo orders are made to order, while this does extend the time between ordering and delivery (current lead time is up to two weeks), it saves us over producing sizes and colours that may not sell and we only make what is needed and will be used. KoiNo is not a fashion brand for a quick fix in neither retail nor style, rather we make key pieces that can be worn and loved for years.
Loved clothes last.
x Amanda